life lived consciously is lived with aliveness, wholeness, and a felt-sense of intimate relationship with all life, aligned with our deepest integrity, with undefended authenticity and spontaneous joy; this is the core teaching of all the paths.The privately-circulated discourses given in English in the early 20th Century by the Sufi master Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Ināyat Khan to his initiates are a comprehensive and tested course in consciously crafting an authentic life, freeing ourselves from mechanically living-out our childhood and cultural programming and self-imposed limitation, and in accessing realms of deep joy and peace that are normally very rare for human beings.
The ancient people, in the East or in the West, had more magic in their lives than the people of today. The world has lost the magical charm, so to speak, which was the inheritance of the human race, owing to the ever-increasing material life and the ignorance of things that are beyond matter.
—Hazrat Ināyat Khan
A n authentic “mystical training” is not indoctrination or belief; it is based in direct, personal experience that frees us to recapture the magic of life, to live life rather than sleepwalk it. The teachings are not doctrine, but are a springboard for one’s own inner exploration, to discover what is truly authentic to oneself and awaken our inherent wisdom.
We offer a weekly class based in Ināyat Khan’s teachings, adapted to the needs of the 21st Century. It emphasizes practical application of these ancient teachings in daily life (e.g., emotional balance in a toxic workplace or in difficult relationships) as well as the practices and attitudes that will sharply accelerate our spiritual development. Our inquiry is based around Ināyat Khan’s discourses selected from both beginning and advanced teachings on a developing theme such as “Breath” or “Mastery,” and we do (and occasionally do homework of) practices which impart a sensate, direct experience of the key principles. These practices are extremely potent in catalyzing our latent potentials, and the effects are often felt immediately.
This class is open to all, with a special welcome to those initiated into Ināyat Khan’s transmission. Newcomers are always welcome, but just email the instructor or call 206-380-3833 before attending your first class.
We do more practice than we do discussion, and there is no “right” response to the practices. It is our intention to send you home from each class with at least one useful tool for your own inner work.
Students at all levels of experience and initiation will benefit from this class, as will anyone interested in exposure to an authentic and time-tested spiritual teaching.
A major component of our process is fearless inquiry: No topics and no questions are “off the table,” and challenging or even “impertinent” questions to the instructor are welcome. Life itself, after all, is challenging and frequently impertinent. We engage the teaching in an atmosphere of “safe space,” openness to our own experience and trust in the inherent wisdom of our own inner being.
General Info
Tuesdays, 7:30pm–9:00pm
Address: 14328 32nd Ave NE Seattle WA 98125, Apt C4
Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85035237505?pwd=eStwRVU2VDJwRkZQMjRGcmtQTmhJQT09
Meeting ID: 850 3523 7505
Password: Fatta#99
Class is every Tuesday, including minor holidays. The class session closest to/following the New Moon is devoted to the practice known as Zikr. The whole evening is engaging this practice, and it is often very musical, something like the practice of kirtan in the Yoga tradition, but working more with energy and a more “inward” focus.
Please arrive a little early, to find parking and be settled with a cup of chai when class begins. We will not wait for latecomers who do not call or text ahead. A light meal follows the class, with opportunity for informal discussion and/or socializing.
Click or tap here to download an iCalendar file to your device. Open the downloaded file and Save. This event will automatically be added to your calendar if you have a smartphone or a desktop calendar that reads iCal format.
Call 206-380-3833 or click/tap here to email Hafizullah for further information or if you are attending for the first time.
There is no fee for this class, but we encourage contributions in the range of $5–$20 from those who are able and find this work valuable. Alternatively, offerings of dark chocolate or other things are also gratefully accepted. No one will look at you funny if you choose not to make a contribution.
We welcome full participation of and hold safe space for people of all faith traditions, sexual orientations, gender identities, and ethnicities.